T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
SİVAS / MERKEZ - Hamza Yerlikaya Ortaokulu

About Our School




      Our school was established in 2019. The school was named after the famous wrestler, Hamza Yerlikaya who assumed the title of "the Wrestler of the Century" by FILA after he became the World Championship medalist at the age of 17.

      Our school offers secondary education to the students whose ages range between 10 and 14. It adopts Constructivist Approach and supports the view that learners are active participants in the learning process; therefore, they build new knowledge upon the foundations of previous learning experiences. In this regard, our school prioritizes the implementation of educational technology mediums for the aim of improving engagement, encouraging collaboration and providing more individualized learning experience for students with diverse needs and learning styles.

      Hence, each classroom at our school benefits from dynamic use of Interactive White Boards. Moreover, ICT class integrates CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) tools into the language courses to raise learners competent in both their native tongue and foreign language "English". Foreign language education is emphasized at our school. Students are aimed to gain an intrinsic learning motivation and internalize the target language as their mother tongue. Therefore, our school attaches significant importance to short-term and long-term E-twinning projects to provide students the opportunity of meeting with new cultures and using the target language for authentic purposes.

      Furthermore, our school conducted a project on values education in order to strengthen students' moral, personal and emotional development. We are developing Erasmus projects currently to improve the quality of education and to bridge between teachers and schools all around Europe. Consequently, we welcome international cooperation of all countries.


      In our school, there are 1 principal, 2 deputy principal, 40 teachers and  601 students.


 Our vision is to be able to train students to be more effective and qualified individuals  who are:

 • Aware of science and technology

 • Open to change and development

 • Accepting learning as a  basic need

 • Living the values and preserving for next generaitions

 • In tolerance with differences  counting them as wealth of cultures

 • Having self-confident

 • Having high moral values- with the universal moral laws

 • Undertaking risks for enterprises

 • Active citizens

 • Building media literacy skills

 • Self-questioning  himself



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Yayın: 05.12.2019 - Güncelleme: 02.04.2024 00:00 - Görüntülenme: 657
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